Friday, February 25, 2011

Shopping with kids

I don't know what happened this week.  It feels like it flew by, and I don't think I have gotten a single productive thing done.  The piles of laundry and messy house confirm the barely anything has been done.  I'll play catch-up and get almost there, then do it all over again next week.  

Keary's birthday is tomorrow, so the girls and I went shopping today.  *See above, I haven't been on top of things this week. I asked the girls what they wanted to get him.  Gwendolyn shouted "socks!"  I tried to steer her to other ideas.  "Can we go look at girl toys?"  "We are shopping for your daddy," I reminded her.

You see where we wound up though: Maggie looking at leapfrog toys and Gwendolyn looking at princess stuff.  It is hard to shop for others when you are a kid.  It isn't that you don't want to get them anything, there is just so much other stuff at the store tempting you.

Honestly, I was surprised when we made it out of there with only the headset gift for Keary... There were a few thing I was eyeing for myself.  I can't very well set an example about how to shop for someone else for the girls though if we come out of the store with more stuff than me than the birthday boy.


  1. Love the photo of your daughter in the hat! Priceless:) I remember those shopping trips for gifts -- trying to instill the sense of "giving" when the kids (and me!) were so tempted by all of the merchandise. Some things never get easier.

  2. That's a cute picture of the little one in the hat. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Shopping with kiddos is such a challenge! My kids come up with the strangest gift ideas! Either that or they try to convince me Daddy really does want a Barbie Fairy Princess Fashion Designer doll with DVD. I usually have them make cards and leave it at that!

  4. hi Danyelle! wanted to pop over and welcome you to the circle! such an inspiring group of ladies.. it's a blast! hope to see ya in my random neighborhood sometime! blessings, -tracie
    cute pic!

  5. Hi Danyelle! I'm so glad you linked up this week - thanks for joining in! That hat pic is darling! Seems like your husband would really enjoy a leap frog game for his birthday :) My husband tells of the time he bought his mom a basketball for mother's day.....real thoughtful. (He's come a long way since then, thankfully.)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Very cute hat are brave to take the kids shopping! I tried NOT to do that when my kids were young...just for myt own sanity!

  7. Ha! My hubby and I kid about that all the time because when we go Christmas shopping we always find stuff for us! It is hard! Here's to a productive week and great birthday celebration!

  8. I can totally relate! Yesterday I spent well over 90 minutes in one store trying to find birthday gifts for 2 adult men and one 3 year old boy, plus a baby shower gift for a little girl. It was exhausting. I am impressed that I only left with $6 worth of purchases for myself! I was not brave enough to take the toddler with me.

    Your girls are so sweet. :)

  9. Love the picture of your girl in a hat!! How fun! Your girls wanting to buy socks for daddy reminds me of the time that the children were insistent upon purchasing underwear for daddy on Father's Day. I tried to politely redirect without losing the giving spirit. Our home was heavily focused on potty-training at the time and new underwear was spoken of as a big treat. They won.
