Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wordy Wednesday: tee-ball and kindergarten

We have been playing a lot of tee-ball, both on the field and in the backyard.  Gwendolyn is making friends with girls she will go to school with in the fall.

That is Gwendolyn batting, she is number 2.  She is playing, and particularly enjoying having an audience cheer her on three times a week.

And in addition to tee-ball this week, Gwendolyn also was registered for kindergarten.  Kindergarten! Time is flying.

(No seriously, she is only almost 5 years old, not almost 16 like her attitude suggests.)

Linked up to Live and Love OutloudProject Alicia, and The Long Road to China


  1. Hi! I saw your comment on Project Alicia about learning Photoshop. I am currently taking an online class and it's been really helpful (when I've actually logged on!) Here is the link of the online classes. They are through my local community college so they are totally legit. It's cost is $86 for a six-week course. http://www.ed2go.com/grossmontadult/
    I tried to learn it on my own and it just wasn't working out! Hope this helps :)

  2. Love all that spring brings with it. Great t-ball pics.

  3. Yay for softball! And can I just say I love the 16-year old attitude. Too cute! Except when you really do have a 16 year old that sports that exact same attitude. (Speaking from experience here. lol)

  4. I love how crisp those shots are- really draws you in!

  5. Very cute - I like how you did the tball pix and your daughter is adorable. Thanks too for stopping by my birdie blog!!

  6. what great captures!! I love that last shot! reminds me of my 2yo going on 8 :)

  7. cute pictures! They are so cute playing t-ball when they are that little

  8. For 5 years old, it looks like they've got a pretty organized game going on-- usually half the kids are sitting down, but they all seem to be into it-- how cute!
